INTRODUCTION The intent of this report is to inform you of my progress on my longitudinal study of the Uca minax fiddler crab species at Spermaceti Cove on Sandy Hook, New Jersey. I will discuss my methods for collecting the data I use to prove or disprove my hypothesis, which is that the population will increase as time goes on, how I organized the data in order to analyze it more efficiently, which statistical methods I used to analyze my data, and finally, what else I still need to complete. BODY OF REPORT Data Collection This project began in early June, when the fiddler crab counting began, and has continued to present. Since counting has seized in early October, I have began writing my scientific research paper and analyze the amount of fiddler crabs I counted during each counting site through statistics in order to prove or disprove my hypothesis, which is as follows: as the years continue, the amount of Uca ...