Midterm Paper


Uca minax is a fiddler crab species found along the United States’ east coast, as well as in the Gulf of Mexico. They are easily differentiable from other fiddler crab species due to their red joints, giving them their common name: a red-jointed fiddler crab (see Figure 1). Males have one major claw on either side of their body, which can grow to be up to fifty percent of their body mass, and a regular-sized claw on the other side, while females have two normal-sized claws (Bethany Fisher). Fiddler crabs live in coastal wetlands in the intertidal regions of the coast, meaning seawater from the ocean periodically floods their habitat based on the high and low tides. Salt marshes are broken down into the high marsh, midshore, and low marsh. The low marsh is the least salty of the three portions; this is due to the fact that is most always submerged by water, lessening the amount of evaporation occurring. The Uca minax mostly inhabit this region of the wetlands due to its low salinity (Susan Woodward).
Inline image 11
Figure 1: The above photo is a Uca minax fiddler crab, easily identifiable by the red claw and appendage joint (Michael Rosenberg).

Inline image 12
Figure 2: Above is a photograph of Spermaceti Cove on Sandy Hook, New Jersey, the site of 
fiddler crab counting for this experiment (Bri Astorino).

A population assessment will be conducted by counting fiddler crabs at Spermaceti Cove on Sandy Hook, New Jersey, in order to determine the status of the species, whether or not it is increasing, decreasing, or remaining the same, and, using statistics and past years' data collection, discover any population trends over the years. Ecology, the study of relating the organism to their habitat, will be used in order to determine how the Uca minax species' habitat affects the crabs themselves.  The hypothesis for this study is as follows: Uca minax fiddler crab species located at Spermaceti Cove on Sandy Hook, New Jersey will increase in the future. This longitudinal study incorporates baseline data from the 2016-2017 data collection period and combines it with the data collected this period, 2017-2018, in order to see any trends in the fiddler crab population at Spermaceti Cove on Sandy Hook, New Jersey.

Science Concepts in Experiment

All scientific experiments begin with the use of the scientific method and its first step, asking a question. In the case of this longitudinal study, a scientific study that is continued with the exact same method for a long period of time in order to see any potential trends in a population, the question is what will happen to the population of Uca minax fiddler crabs at Spermaceti Cove on Sandy Hook, New Jersey as the years go on. The trends of their population are especially important in the case of the Uca minax species, as they are an indicator species. As mentioned above, an indicator species makes it very easy to determine the state of their habitat; should there be a low population, it is expected that the habitat is lacking the necessities for life and is, therefore, unhealthy. Conversely, if the species is thriving, it is expected that the habitat is very suitable for life.
Next, one must research for background information to further educate his- or herself on the topic being studied. In this case, over forty primary sources, including scientific research papers, newspaper articles, and books, were procured, read, and annotated. The topics researched include, but were not limited to, statistics and the statistical calculations that are conducted with longitudinal studies, the ecology of the Uca minax fiddler crab species, general fiddler crab knowledge, information specific to the red-jointed fiddler crab, characteristics of the crab’s habitat, coastal wetlands, more specifically salt marshes, and the other organisms living in salt marshes. Through the obtainment of this many primary sources, all of the information learned helps one to gain a better understanding of the Uca minax’s behavior, characteristics, and interaction with their habitat, or their ecology. The following two paragraphs give a brief overview of the information studied through this research.
Uca minax fiddler crabs have horizontal indents behind their eyes that are perched on a stalk, with a brownish-gray carapace and red claw joints. All male fiddler crabs have one major claw, which can grow up to half of the crab’s body weight, and one minor claw, equal in size to those of a female’s claw. Males can be either right or left-clawed, meaning that the larger claw males have can be on either side of their body. Because of their larger claw, or cheliped, males take two times longer than females to feed. They use these claws, combined with the quality of their burrow, to attract a female to mate with (Fisher). Their major claws are also used to fight off any other males, whether it is for a specific female or territory, as they are very territorial creatures (see Figure 1 for a photograph of a Uca minax fiddler crab). Should a male lose their cheliped, their remaining small claw will either grow bigger or they will regrow it in the next molt; the process to regrow it varies between fiddler crab species (Hogarth).
             Coastal wetlands are places with halophytic plants, meaning that they can sustain the constant flooding of salt water, and are characteristic of large masses of spartina cordgrass living there (see Figure 2 for a photograph of a coastal wetlands environment). They are in a part of the intertidal zone protected from most of the elements, such as wind and strong waves (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services). The ample food supply in the habitat makes it an important place for migrating animals to take a break, as well as for baby fish to nurse. The plants' ability to hold in extremely high amounts of carbon and nitrogen lessen the effects of global warming. By absorbing the ocean's energy, they prevent flooding and land erosion (Environmental Protection Agency). The freshest marshes are at the bases of mountains, as they provide glacial runoff. Fiddler crabs prefer a low salinity, as closest to freshwater as possible, making this an ideal habitat (Coultas). The burrowing moves around soil, since the crabs have to dig and make pellets with the excavated soil at the base of the hole. Bioturbation is when animals move sediment, exactly what happens with fiddler crabs in coastal wetlands. This aerates the soil and allows the nutrients to be moved around. This increases soil water content and nitrogen and carbon turnover, making the coastal wetlands that much more productive (Chattergee).

Determining a hypothesis follows researching the topic. The hypothesis for this longitudinal study is as follows: The Uca minax fiddler crab species located at Spermaceti Cove on Sandy Hook, New Jersey will increase as the years go on. Because statistics are used to determine whether or not the data procured supports the hypothesis, a null hypothesis is also necessary. A null hypothesis, generally speaking, claims the opposite of the hypothesis. The null hypothesis for this study is as follows: There will be no difference in the Uca minax population at Spermaceti Cove on Sandy Hook, New Jersey over the years.
To test the hypothesis, the fiddler crabs were counted at the site during new and full moons at low tide during their breeding season, in order to ensure as many crabs as possible were seen. They must be counted during the breeding season because outside of this season, they remain inside their burrows, unable to be counted. This is best seen in the data collection table, where little to no fiddler crabs were counted in early October, as the temperature was too low and their breeding season had already ended (see Figure 3).
Many limitations must be taken into consideration in order to fully understand the scope of this project. During data collection, the weather being different could affect the amount of crabs counted on a given day; should it be cold, windy, or rainy out, then the fiddler crabs may be inclined to go into their burrows, preventing them from being counted. As the breeding season progressed, more and more vegetation grew, also hindering how easy it was to see and count the crabs. The crabs were not static during counting sessions, meaning they had the potential to be counted multiple times, as well as to move away from the counting area in between counting dates. Lastly, counting could only occur when there was a new or full moon and during low tide.
Statistical methods and analysis were conducted to test the hypothesis (see “Mathematical Concepts in Experiment” for more information on the specific calculations completed). After the calculations were completed, one is able to draw conclusions based off of them, and then communicate the results, which is writing this scientific research paper, completing the final two steps of the scientific method.

Technology Concepts in Experiment

The project itself does not include any types of technological concepts; however, several pieces of technology were used in order to conduct the experiment. Microsoft Excel allows one to organize all of the different data that has been collected in a consolidated and user-friendly manner. Keeping accurate data of the population of the Uca minax fiddler crab species makes it possible to see the trends in the future population more easily. This includes the quantitative and qualitative data taken during each counting session, including but not limited to the amount of crabs spotted on each side of Spermaceti Cove, the wind speed in miles per hour and direction, the temperature in degrees Celsius, and any differences in the site appearance (see Figure 3).

Inline image 10
Figure 3: The table above shows the date of the count, with the amount of fiddler crabs counted on the North and South side of Spermaceti Cove, and any additional observations of the cove (Bri Astorino).

         Microsoft Excel was also used to create several line and bar graphs to show the data in a more aesthetically pleasing way (see Figure 4 for a line graph, Figure 5 for a bar graph of the baseline data, and Figure 6 for a bar graph of the 2017-2018 data). 
Inline image 5
Figure 4: The line graph above shows all of the crabs counted on both sides of Spermaceti Cove against the counting
session. Counting session 6 denotes the end of the 2016-2017 data set (Bri Astorino).
Inline image 3
Figure 5: The bar graph shows the amount of Uca minax fiddler crabs counted on both the North and South sides of Spermaceti Cove on Sandy Hook, New Jersey during the 2016-2017 data collection set, the baseline data for this longitudinal study (Bri Astorino). 
Inline image 2
Figure 6: The bar graph shows the amount of Uca minax fiddler crabs counted on the North and South sides of Spermaceti Cove on Sandy Hook, New Jersey during the 2017-2018 data collcetion set (Bri Astorino).
               Continuing, Excel corroborated several different statistical calculations that were done by

 hand to ensure the accuracy of the numbers (see Figure 7 for a table of the numbers needed for a 

Inline image 1
Figure 7: The table above is a table of all of the numbers and calculations necessary for a correlation between the temperature in Celsius of the counting session and the amount of crabs seen (Bri Astorino).
A cell phone was used take photos of the site in order to see the change over time, as well (see 

Figures 8 and 9), as well as to take notes about the site and amount of fiddler crabs counted.
Inline image 8
Figure 8: This photo is the North side of Spermaceti Cove on July 7, 2017 (Bri Astorino). 
Inline image 12
Figure 9: This photo is the North side of Spermaceti Cove on October 6, 2017 (Bri Astorino).

It is known that fiddler crabs are considered indicator species, meaning that their population fluctuates easily with changes in their environment (Wenner). Fiddler crabs burrow into the sediment for protection and to mate in, which aerates the soil and moves the sediment and nutrients around, maximizing their availability for other organisms (Subhasish Chatterjee). This, in return, increases the productivity of their habitat. Fiddler crabs are very sensitive to contaminants, such as insecticides and fertilizers that come from rain runoff and river drainage. Should the amounts of these increase, the population of the fiddler crabs in the area would decrease. Because of the fact that these contaminants are biomagnified as one moves further up the food chain, meaning that these pollutants are found in much higher quantities in bigger predators than in organisms such as primary producers and primary consumers, this form of pollution affects the entire ecosystem (Wenner). With this being said, in order to see clearly whether or not the ecosystem is thriving, it is helpful to look at the stability of the fiddler crab population.
In order to conduct research regarding the Uca minax fiddler crab species and their habitat, the coastal wetlands, more than forty primary sources, including newspaper articles, scientific research papers, and books, were procured and read. This helped to better understand statistics and the relationship between the Uca minax fiddler crab species and their habitat of coastal wetlands, furthering my knowledge of their ecology.
            A blog website, called Blogger, enables the work completed to be posted for the general public to access. It also enables the mentors for this experiment to keep up with its progress (see Figure 10 for a photo of the blog).
Inline image 6
Figure 10: Above is a screenshot of the blog that all of the work completed on this study is posted on. The link is bafiddlerecology.blogspot.com (Bri Astorino).
In the near future, GPS will be used in order to map out the counting sites at Sandy Hook, New Jersey on Spermaceti Cove.

Mathematical Concepts in Experiment

After there were no longer fiddler crabs spotted at the cove, all of the data was compiled into a spreadsheet (see Figure 3) in order to easily see all of the information collected at once. The table shows all of the data collected during the 2017-2018 collection year in a neat and organized fashion in order to encourage easy access to the information.
Then, the amount of fiddler crabs at the cove was plotted against the counting session on a line graph (see Figure 4) to see if there were any trends as the breeding season progressed. All of this was useful when beginning to work on the statistics and raw data analysis. In order to better see the amount of fiddler crabs counted each counting session, bar graphs were made in Microsoft Excel (see Figure 5 for the bar graph of the baseline data and Figure 6 for the bar graph of the 2017-2018 data), because the line graphs were not as descriptive as expected.
For the raw data analysis portion of this project, a correlation between the temperature of the counting session day against the amount of crabs seen was calculated (see Figure 7 for a table of the calculations made for this correlation). The table shows all of the necessary calculations in order to derive the correlation between the temperature of the counting day in Celsius against the amount of fiddler crabs counted at both of the counting sites. The correlation between these two variables was calculated to be .31056; this means there is a slightly positive correlation between the temperature and the amount of crabs counted.
Several different types of statistical analysis were conducted in order to see the spread of data among both years of this longitudinal study, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. These statistics include average number of crabs counted each year, as well as the standard deviation and variance (see Figure 11). 
Inline image 9
 The higher the variance and standard deviation, the bigger the spread of the data, meaning there 

is a considerably large difference between each counting session and the amount of crabs spotted on 

each side of the cove. The variance of both years varied greatly between both sides of Spermaceti 

Cove. For example, the variance of the North side of the cove during 2016-2017 is 28,835.8, while 

the variance during 2017-2018 is only 5,586.5, meaning that the amount of crabs counted in the 

latter data set has values much closer together than in the 2016-2017 data set.

On the other hand, the difference in variance between the South side of the cove between both data sets is significantly less, with a variance of 48,062.8 in the 2016-2017 data set and 47,435.1. This means that the amount of crabs spotted on the South side were relatively close to each other each counting session. The same is true of the standard deviation between both sides of Spermaceti Cove, with a bigger difference of standard deviation on the North side than on the South side in both data sets.
The summer months of the baseline data, from 2016-2017, were statistically compared to the summer months of this year’s data, from 2017-2018, by using the formula [(ED)/N]/sqrt[(ED^2)-(ED)^2/N]/(N-1)N, where ED is the sum of the different counting sessions, (ED^2) is the sum of the square of the different counting sessions, and N is the sample size, or amount of counting sessions being taken into consideration. The months of June, July, and August were compared during the summers of 2016 and 2017, thus the sample size, or N, was 6. Following the formula for conducting a t-test, subtract the amount of crabs counted from each counting session in 2016-2017 from the crabs counted from that same session in 2017-2018, and then total this. Afterwards, square each of my results, and total this column (see Figure 12 for a table with the necessary numbers for this comparison). Plug the values into a calculator to receive an answer of 1.943.
Inline image 4
Figure 12: Above is a table of all of the necessary numbers to conduct a t-test. Here, the value of ED is shown, 1015, and the value of (ED)^2 is also shown, 399203.
N-1 is the degrees of freedom of a t-test, so there are 5 degrees of freedom in this specific calculation. Using a t-distribution table, the t-test number with an alpha level of .05 and 5 degrees of freedom should have been 2.015. Since my calculated t-test is lower than the t-table value, the null hypothesis, that there will be no significant change in fiddler crab population as the years progress, should be accepted as true.


The scientific method and its six steps sum up the scientific concepts in this longitudinal study. These steps include defining the question the study seeks to answer, conducting background information, forming a hypothesis and then testing it, analyzing the test through the use of statistics, and, finally, communicating the experiment’s results through a scientific research paper. By following the method, this study can be easily replicated in the coming years in order to corroborate or refute the study’s hypothesis that the Uca minax fiddler crab species at Spermaceti Cove on Sandy Hook, New Jersey will increase as time progresses.
When it comes to the technology in this longitudinal study, Microsoft Excel was used in order to create line and bar graphs and tables to display the study’s data and information in a more user-friendly manner. Excel was also used to calculate several of the statistical analyses necessary for the experiment.
The mathematic concepts in this study include all of the statistical analysis in this project. This includes the data’s average, standard deviation, variance, correlation, and t-test comparison between the summer months of the 2016-2017 data set and the 2017-2018 data set.
In total, the collected data from June 2017 to the beginning of October 2017 was statistically compared to the baseline data collected during the Uca minax breeding season in 2016-2017. This study will be continued in the following years in order to gain even more data, thus making the conclusions drawn from said data that much more accurate and trust-worthy.

Works Cited

Chatterjee, Subhasish, Debasis Mazumdar, and Susanta Chakraborty. Ecological Role of Fiddler Crabs (Uca Spp.) through Bioturbatory Activities in the Coastal Belt of East Midnapore, West Bengal, India (2015): n. pag. Marine Biological Association of India. Marine
            Biological Association of India, 2017. Web. 5 Nov. 2017.
Coastal Salt Marsh (n.d.): n. pag. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service,         2017. Web. 5 Nov. 2017.
Coultas, Charles, and Yuch-Ping Hsieh. "Ecology and Management of Tidal Marshes." Google Books. St. Lucie Press, 1997. Web. 05 Nov. 2017.
Fisher, Bethany. "Uca Minax." Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan, 2017. Web. 05       Nov. 2017.
Hogarth, P.J. "Uca Fiddler Crabs." Encyclopedia of Life. Encyclopedia of Life, 2017. Web. 05      Nov. 2017.
Rosenberg, Michael S. "Systematics and Taxonomy of Fiddler Crabs." OUP Academic. Oxford   University Press, 01 July 2001. Web. 05 Nov. 2017.
Wenner, Elizabeth. "Fiddler Crabs." South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. South       Carolina Department of Natural Resources, 2017. Web. 5 Nov. 2017.
"Why Are Wetlands Important?" EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 27 Feb. 2017. Web. 05 Nov. 2017.
Woodward, Susan. "Salt Marsh." Biomes of the World. Radford University, 1997. Web. 05 Nov. 2017.


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