A correlation between the temperature of the counting day in Celsius and the amount of Uca minax fiddler crabs counted on both sides of Spermaceti Cove concluded that they have a slightly positive correlation of .31056. Evidentially, on a warmer day, more fiddler crabs will be spotted, as past counting sessions have shown (see Figure 1). Figure 1: Above is a table of the date the crabs were counted, with the amount of crabs counted and the temperature in Celsius. It is shown that a higher temperature also yields a higher amount of fiddler crabs counted the majority of the time. Mean, standard deviation, and variance of the 2016-2017 baseline data set and the 2017-2018 data set were calculated in order to determine the spread of the data. (see Figure 2). Figure 2: This table breaks up the data from the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 data collection sets, which are then further broken down into the amount of crabs counted on the North and South side of Spermaceti Cove d...