Mrs. Zrada Contact 9/18

Contact with Mrs. Zrada

Date of email: September 18, 2017
Contact: Mrs. Zrada
Reference: questions regarding statistics for a population analysis
Questions: How do I know if I have experimental errors and how do I use ROC curves to see how extreme they are? What are p-values, what are they used for, and how do I calculate them? How do I know whether my hypothesis or null hypothesis is correct? If the amount of crabs present is my only variable, can I not use t-tests to do this? If so, how else am I to test my hypothesis?
Discussion: Mrs. Zrada asked which statistics course D. D'Albero and I took over the summer to prepare for the statistics that will be conducted in this project. She mentioned that I should not worry about ROC curves and that human error is always in any statistics. She said that p-values are very important and described the difference between null hypotheses and hypotheses, saying that I'll use t-tests to test while is correct.
Conclusions: With this being said, I plan to research p-values and t-tests to further my understanding of them.


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