9/15 Log Entry

A photo of the south side taken by B. Astorino.
A photo of the blooming vegetation taken by B. Astorino.
The purple bushlike plant is seaside lavender and the
green flora behind it is pickle weed.
When the tide goes out to sea, hundreds of mummichogs get stuck in this
tidal pool, making them potential victims of hypoxia due to
the lack of oxygen availability. Photo taken by B. Astorino
The seventh count took place on 9/15, a 74ยบ sunny day with 3.4 mph SW winds. D. D'Albero counted 32 crabs on the south side, while B. Astorino counted 7 on the north side. The seaside lavender has begun to bloom and massive amounts of pickle weed made it more difficult to spot the crabs. The ocean water was very calm, with little to no ripples. There were lots of raccoon tracks and litter on the north side of the walkway, while there were lots of baby crabs on the south side.


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